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書城自編碼: 3016374
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學語言文字
作者: 罗选民
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302462798
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 143/175000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 353



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本集刊所设栏目有理论研究案例研究翻译的文化记忆(访谈)翻译批评与鉴赏亚太翻译学术动态书评等。主要特色: 跨学科:强调翻译研究与其他人文社会学科的互通互融,究理探新 跨地域:关注全球在亚太地区翻译研究领域的*成果,聚文论道 跨文化:着眼于将翻译研究植根于亚太地区的多元文化,求真考实
本集刊邀请了国际翻译研究领域著名学者组成编委会, 通过严格的匿名评审制度来提升质量。主编罗选民教授是清华大学首批人文社会科学杰出人才、翻译与跨学科研究中心主任;兼任中国英汉语比较研究会会长,澳大利亚研究委员会(ARC)外籍委员,(中国香港)大学教育资助委员会(UGC)人文学部委员,Routledge 出版社英文国际学术期刊Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 主编,Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 国际编委,加拿大翻译学会会刊TTR 国际顾问,以及香港和内地多家核心刊物的编委。
编者的话 v
以小野西洲的《〈内地游记〉读后文》为例 1
邓志辉 汪东萍
中古佛经翻译文质之争的哲学源起 37
严复《天演论译例言》信达雅与三曰之关联探微 50
HOU Song
Translation as an Interdiscursive Practice 66
以《三体》第一、二部英译本为例 84
[ 美国] Bahareh GHAREHGOZLOU
Translation Criticism: English Translation of the Shahnameh by Dick Davis 95
翻译与记忆的跨学科研究 评介《在翻译中绘制记忆》 117
跨越边界:探索中国文化对外译介的有效机制 125
[ 英国] XIAO Di, ZHOU Hao
Current Trends in Translation and Intercultural StudiesA Review of the 4th Asia-
Paci c Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies 131
宗教经典 译彩纷呈
记第三届全国宗教经典翻译研讨会会议 141
近代知识分子的跨国旅游书写,除了反映当事人行万里路的过程、所引发的知识冲击与思想变化等直接体验之外,对于通过报纸的阅读者而言,同样也受到了异国地景与人文风貌等浓烈鲜明的刺激,并渐次积累成为日后人生经验中的人文记忆。然而,作者在书写旅游纪行之际,不免带着某种价值判断的视线,去观看异国他乡的人事与景物,且不自觉地与过往经验加以比较对照。其中包括了自身的人文素养、价值判断、美感经验、政治立场、民族意识等,乃至与过往旅游纪行之间的互文性等阅读经验或文化体认,都是值得详加检视的成分因素。而另一方面,当前述旅游纪行受到被观览的该国人士翻译为其母语,且又再度披露于同一报纸,以供在台日籍人士或具日文阅读能力的台籍人士阅读时,势将触及自我与他者之间彼此解读,并涉及原文重构等环环相扣的议题。换言之,作者的人文素养、价值判断、美感经验、政治立场、民族意识等面向,皆足以促发译者对于母国经验的自我反思,译文也因而呈现了译者取舍之后的视线改变乃至结3译者的解读与重构以小野西洲的《〈内地游记〉读后文》为例杨承淑构内容的重塑。其实,此事的意涵不仅是作者与译者之间的文化擦撞而已。谢雪渔的《内地游记》是总督府对于台湾士绅与文人的官式邀访,其中的政治意涵与思想操作等,由殖民政府所进行的人为建构,难以不去想象。因而,衔命出访的作者与再现游记的译者之间,形成了殖民者对于被殖民者的认知与测度,也同时存在着彼此探究的反向观测。本文拟从小野西洲的7 篇《〈内地游记〉读后文》(「「內地遊記」を読む」),探索译文与原作对于内地的描述内容与观察视角,并审视译者对于原文内容的取舍基准,乃至译作增添的书写观点及其内容。此外,亦将对照小野自身的内地经验与文化脉络,探讨译者进行再生产之际,其个人经验与视角的投射内涵及其范围。本研究盼由译者的介入程度,测度其主体性与公共性等要素,及其在此一翻译与文化事件中的角色意义。除此之外,通过对作者与译者的社会角色,拟进一步探究两者之间的公私关系及其交往轨迹,以及原作者的社会脉络与日籍官吏之间的人际网络及其间的主要节点等。借此,盼能借由文本的翻译与解读,推至日台文人的社会角色与人际网络,以精细描绘殖民治理脉络下的译者角色,及其译事活动之属性功能。

亚太跨学科翻译研究(第三辑)ASIA PACIFIC INTERDISCIPLINARY TRANSLATION STUDIESand discursive categories are mentioned in the ST that are found to bear ideologicalsignificance. Which strategy the translator is to adopt depends upon the ideologicalencounters and interactions take place in translation. It should be noted that such divisionof translation strategies is not absolute.ey are on a continuum and when the translator atwork make options amongst them, some sort of hybridity may o en occur. Below I wouldlike to present a few examples to illustrate and explain these translation strategies.An essay appeared in many Chinese websites, asserting it a translation of ThomasL. Friedmans essay in the New York Times a er his visit to China during the 2008 BeijingOlympics. Recently, this essay spreads over again on Wechat and other online platforms.But this time, it claims that the author wrote this essay a er his visit to China during theG20 Hangzhou Summit September 4-5, 2016. The tile of Friedmans essay in the NewYork Times is A Biblical Seven Years. In the alleged translations both the 2008 versionand the recent one, it is rendered into Zhong Mei Zhe Qi Nian 中美这七年, Seven yearsbetween China and US in Chinese.is title translation diminishes the adjective Biblicalthat modify Seven Years in the ST and replaced it with between China and U.S.. True,the essay talks about the di erences between China and U.S. during the past seven years.However, this translation erases the authors Christian thinking and the ideologicalinvestment he puts by using the term Biblical in the title, rendering it a neutral phrase. is is an instance of what I call neutralizing translation.In the translations, however, the translator adds the following paragraph that does nothave a corresponding one in the ST:我们有些人总是担心中国人缺少宗教情怀。其实只要稍微熟悉一点世界历史的人就知道,人类历史上宗教冲突导致了无数的战争,光是基督教各个教派之间以及基督教与伊斯兰教之间的冲突就有上千年的历史,造成了无数生命遭杀戮的人间悲剧。所以,我们的老百姓不一定信教。This is a radical translation that has ideological investment opposite to the ST.Actually, in this alleged Chinese translations of Friedman, there are so many similar radicaladditions and deletions that we should considered them pseudo translation. Below aretwo other sentences from there that we cannotnd corresponding original in the ST:79Translation as an Interdiscursive PracticeHOU Song我认为,作为一个现代国家,中国接受了现代国家主权和人权的主要观念。我们一些人比较羡慕小国寡民的生活,实际上小国有小国的困难。小国经不起风浪,而大国遇到风浪,回旋余地大得多。Clearly, these translated sentences re ect the mainstream state ideology of China.In a sense, this can be regarded asoveruse or even abuse of what I callthe strategy ofradical translation. However, translational phenomena like these are not rare, especiallyinourInternet age. Though so, radical translations are more often done through makingless textual changes or transformations. One example is feminist translation of the Bible. Byreducing the uses of the word man and substituting the pronoun He that refers to Godto She, the feminist version intends to subvert the male dominance and invest feministgender ideology in the Bible. Textual changes in such translational practice are much lessgreater than those seen in the translation of Friedmans A Biblical Seven Years as analyzedabove.An uncritical translation is much the same with what we o en call faithful translation. e translator has made no critical e orts to change the ideological predilection in the SD.Let me cite another Chinese translation of Friedmans A Biblical Seven Years in the U.S.-China Perception Mirror Weekly Updates as an example. In its issue 117, one cannd a newtranslation that intends to correct the above analyzed pseudo translation. It is a faithfultranslation, with the English ST attached behind it.4 In that translation, the translatormakes no e orts to alter the ideological investments in the ST. It is one I call uncriticaltranslation. Nonetheless, this is not to say that uncritical translation is uncritical in nature.An uncritical translation, though does not intend to make any critical attempts to changethe SD, can be a critique of what has already been there in the target sociocultural context. is new translation of A Biblical Seven Years is a critique of the former translation thatabuses radical translation and, more importantly, the ideological control underlying it.4. ConclusionTranslation, as complicated as it is, has been perceived differently from differentperspectives. Informed by CDA and TS a er its cultural turn, this paper suggests viewingtranslation as an interdiscursive practice. That means translating is an act to representthe STor, more precisely, the SD in another social, cultural and political environment and80亚太跨学科翻译研究(第三辑)ASIA PACIFIC INTERDISCIPLINARY TRANSLATION STUDIESthereby create a target discourse. The ideological manipulation in translation does notwork single-directional; rather ideologies with multifarious sources dynamically interactwith one another. It is such ideological contacts and interactions that shape the translationproduct.e translator as a unique body in translation is a part of the SD, and a part ofthe TD as well; his or her position is not static, but mutable. Shouldering cultural, politicaland culturally politics tasks, he or she is advisable to critically analyze the ST, like aFaircloughian critical discourse analyst. A translation-oriented critical discourse analysis assuch should be conducted in a way that the three dimension of the SD are interrelated, withliaison and comparison with the social and discursive dimensions of the TD. A er a criticaldiscourse analysis, the translator may need to choose his or her translation strategies inaccordance with the ideological interplays between the SD and TD, they are uncriticaltranslation, neutral translation and radical translation. is interdiscursive understanding of translation can explain some complicated andcontroversial issues that concerns translation researchers. For example, deletions, additionsandor rewritings in translation, di erent versions derived from an identical ST, in uencesof translation works upon the target society, etc. However, its explanatory force is notunlimited. For translations of literary, artistic and media discourses, this model may bemore applicable than translations of other genres. Finally, I would like to note that the ideasand arguments presented in this article are in need of more empirical studies to test andrevise them.Acknowledgement is article is based on my MA thesis submitted to Chinaree Gorges University in 2008. Iwish to express my gratitude to my MA supervisor Dr. CHEN Yuehong and my teacher Prof.Peter Kelly for their advice and comments on the thesis and dra s of this paper at di erentstages. My heartfelt thanks also go to Prof. Huang Qin at Huazhong University of Scienceand Technology for her critical comments on my MA thesis, where Ind signi cant insightsto reshape this article.e peer viewers comments are also very helpful for the improvementof this article, to which I am very grateful as well. It goes without saying that I take soleresponsibility for the errors or shortcomings remained in the paper.81Translation as an Interdiscursive PracticeHOU SongNotes1. Commodi cation and technologization are two of the major tendencies of change in ordersof discourse in capitalist world. For lucid accounts on them, see Fairclough 1992: 207-218.As for sexual exposurism, I mean the tendency in discursive change where human bodyespecially breasts, legs, etc. and sex-related activities are made explicit rather than implicitor removed.is is especially the case in popular culture.2. See http:www.nytimes.com20080827opinion27friedman.html?r=0.3. See, for example, http:mt.sohu.com20160909n468025977.shtml.4. See http:www.uscnpm.commodel_item.html?action=view&table=article&id=11234.Referenceslvarez, R. and Vidal, M. C. A. 1996. Translating: A Political Act. In Translation, Power,Subversion. Eds. R. lvarez and M. C. A. Vidal. Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters. pp. 1-9.Bacchilega, C. 2007. Legendary Hawaii and the Politics of Place: Tradition, Translation, andTourism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. Eds. 1990. TranslationHistoryCulture. London and New York:Pinter Publishers.Benjamin, W. 2000.e Task of the Translator. 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